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February 18, 2025

2004 News : 2003 News : 2002 News : 2001 News : 2000 News : 1999 News : 1998

December 6, 1998
After many delays, it appears that Civil Carnage's Abomination In The House of God will finally be released from the mixing board and sent to the pressing plant before Chistmas day. A mid-January release date is anticipated. Sorry for the wait folks. An MP3 of one of the tracks should appear on this site before the end of this month.

October 24, 1998
Black metallers Burning Moon may join the lineup for the October 31st show in Wolfville. Catharsis has dropped out. Also, the show now opens at 7:30 PM on Halloween night instead of the previously announced 8:00 PM start time.

October 22, 1998
Dichotic has confirmed that they will be playing at the Pavillion in Halifax on Friday, November 20th. These death metal fiends will be accompanied by Halifax's most renowned black metal band Burning Moon and fellow death metallers, Terratomb. The show begins at 8 PM. Admission is $6&; $5 with a Pavillion concert listing. See you there...

October 18, 1998
Pure evil will prevail this coming Halloween night in Wolfville as Dichotic, accompanied by grind specialists Wohedness, apocalyptic terrors Terratomb and Catharsis from Kentville, will haunt the local Lion's Club. Doors open at 8 PM, and the admission will be $5. All who dare are welcome to the show this October 31st. It's happening again...

September 26, 1998
Dichotic is scheduled to perform at 8 PM on October 9th at the Pavillion all-ages club located near the skate park adjacent to the Halifax Commons. The band will use this opportunity to support their debut CD, so call it a "CD Release Party" if you will. It will have been just over two months since Dichotic's last live appearance so you can expect their music to have more of a hyper-active edge to it than usual. See you there...

September 16, 1998
The Dichotic's Collapse Into Despair is now available for public consumption. Copies are available for $18 Canadian each from Lost In The Fog Records. Support underground music, and check this CD out for yourself.

August 22, 1998
The Dichotic CD has been shipped to the manufacturer for printing and pressing. Copies will be availble for sale within the first two weeks of September.

August 16, 1998
Dichotic's debut CD Collapse Into Despair will be ready to send off to the pressing plant this week. Band members and dedicated fans alike need not wait much longer. Expect a mid-September release date.

In the meantime, Dichotic is in the midst of writing new material for a follow-up EP. The band is set to begin demoing their latest works within the next two weeks.

August 1, 1998
The members of Civil Carnage have decided to go their separate ways due to changing interests. Despite the band's discontinuance, their upcoming CD Abomination In The House of God promises to deliver the goods. Be sure not to miss out on what will be a memorable speed/punk/death metal experience.

2004 News : 2003 News : 2002 News : 2001 News : 2000 News : 1999 News : 1998

Select and Dismember
Select and Dismember : Annihilation Foretold
Annihilation Foretold

Cephalectomy : The Dream Cycle Mythos
The Dream Cycle Mythos

Cephalectomy/Bound In Human Flesh
Cephalectomy/Bound In Human Flesh : Split CD
Split CD

Cephalectomy: Eclipsing The Dawn
Eclipsing The Dawn

Fear Absolute
Fear Absolute: Apprehension

Dichotic: seen one, seen 'em all
seen one, seen'em all

Cephalectomy: Sign Of Chaos
Sign Of Chaos

Dichotic: Lowest Common Denominator
Lowest Common Denominator

Civil Carnage
Civil Carnage: Abomination In The House Of God
Abomination In The House Of God

Dichotic: Collapse Into Despair
Collapse Into Despair